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Soulful Sundays: The Art of Asking

Hey everyone,

2020 was one of the best years of my life, and I can partially attribute this to a shift in mindset that I had last January. Around this time last year, I read a book by Amanda Palmer called The Art of Asking. If you don't have time to read it, at least check out her TED Talk. The general premise is that we get in our own way in many areas by refusing to ask for help. The cause for this hesitation can be shame, or pride, or fear, or some combination thereof. What we don't realize is that by clearly asking people (and ourselves) for the things that we want, we break through the thin veil that separates us from reaching our goals. This was the mindset shift that I adopted in early 2020 and it has made a world of difference.

Now, I'm not encouraging people to become panhandlers. An incredible amount of effort is required for asking to actually be successful, and your audience generally knows if you have committed to that work. Overnight successes are not truly made overnight. They are the result of countless hours, days, and years of practice, patience, and grit. And, hopefully, if you have built a solid network and reputation, all that it may take is a single, well-poised question to tip the balance in your favor.

My question to you all, AUDIENCE, is how do we make holistic medicine thrive in Chattanooga? We have built the facility. We have assembled the team. We have merged the East with the West. We are taking insurance. We offer so many great and powerful services at excellent prices, yet we are still barely scraping by. True, we have lost much of our previous support through COVID, but why are they not returning? What are we missing? I candidly want to hear your thoughts.

The table is set here at CHM for a banquet, but all of the food will rot if you don't come and eat it with your friends. Please let us know how we can help. We are here to be of service. I'm asking you sincerely. Thanks.

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